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Old Fri May 11, 2018, 09:08pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by ilyazhito View Post

Returning to the OP, I would have expected more people to have made posts reviewing camps in other areas of the country, as I have made a review of Que'z Crawford's Level One Basketball Officials Camp.
Review camps for what? What I get out of camp might not have much to do with what you would get out of a camp. We are all not at the same level or trying to get the same things out of camps. I attended a camp a few weeks ago and one of the things the camp director ask of each camper was to tell him, "Why are you at this camp?" Every camper had a different answer. Even if you give a report about a camp, that really means nothing to everyone in the first place if you are looking for different things when you attend.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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