Thread: Fake Tags
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Old Fri Apr 27, 2018, 11:19am
Rich Ives Rich Ives is offline
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Originally Posted by parrothead View Post
little league greenbook - been seeing a lot of fake tags in our league, i know in ll a fake tag is defined as obstruction, but if the fake is someone ball faking the runner going back into the bag and there is no overthrow, etc that the fake kept the runner at a base when he could of advanced. Whats the penalty? a fake throw isn't a fake tag. A fake throw is legal

its not good baseball, i know in nfhs from my hs coaching days it was a violation as well, which umps would usually give a warning and that was that and most hs coaches kind of knew the unwritten rules ?????? in the game about fake tags, but in ll not so much.

So are there any bases awarded for the fake tag obstruction if runner is simply returning to a base? yes. (do you see any exceptions on the rules?)
. . . . . . ..
Rich Ives
Different does not equate to wrong
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