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Old Wed Apr 11, 2018, 07:52am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by BSBAL18 View Post
So is the consensus NOT obstruction? Does the fact the batter's knee touched the ground have any merit to the conversation? or is that only applicable if his knee touched outside the box?
These interps are from 2008, and the empahsis / specific ruling may have changed since then:

SITUATION 12: As the pitcher moves to attempt a pickoff at first base, the first baseman drops his knee and entirely blocks the runner from getting back to first base. RULING: This is obstruction. A fielder who is not in possession of the ball must provide the runner access to the base he is attempting to reach. The runner will be awarded second base for the obstruction. (2-22-3, 8-3-2)

SITUATION 13: Without the ball in possession, the catcher sets up in the base path, but does allow access to part of home plate. As the ball and the runner converge at home simultaneously, the runner contacts the catcher. RULING: As long as the umpire judges that the catcher provided access to the plate for the runner, this is not obstruction. With the play in motion and the timing such that it is about to occur, a fielder may be in the base path without the ball, provided he allows the runner access to the base or home plate. (2-22-3)
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