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Old Mon Apr 09, 2018, 11:31pm
Multiple Sports Multiple Sports is offline
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Location: 3 hrs east of the western time zone
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Only in Today's World

Worked an AAU tourney this weekend ( 15 U ), competition was pretty good as we had a few EYBL teams. During one of the games, a kid blocked a shot and said, "get that effin sh%t out of here"! Whack....thought it was pretty easy. In my world the F bomb is automatic. His coach asked me why I didn't give a warning being this was AAU. The coach was very polite and I told him that the F word was automatic for me. After a time out later in the game, he said, "Ref, if you don't give warnings for language, you must be a Trump supporter. I laughed, said yes and then asked him
if he was a liberal who always wanted a second chance.
He said of course, we slapped hands and had a great game !!!!!

While it made my day, it is a sad commentary if this is how we judge each other....
Go ugly early, avoid the rush !!!!
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