Thread: Double Duty?
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Old Mon Sep 08, 2003, 05:25pm
Rick Vietti Rick Vietti is offline
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Join Date: Aug 1999
Posts: 197
After 18 years of straight softball, I added baseball to my summer this year. I had never umpired baseball before and I found it a challenge.

I am definitely more serious about softball over baseball but I found it a nice diversion. The major problem I had was calling Balks. I am getting it, but it is different.

Here is what I found to be some differences.

* Calling Balks
* Players leading off and being able to be picked off. 2 times the players tried the hidden ball trick. I have never seen that in softball.
* Players stealing home on the pitch. A rarity in softball because of the leadoff rules.
* Parents seem to be a little calmer at the youth baseball level vs parents attitudes at girls JO softball games.
* Girls at the 12-15yr old level have better skills than boys at that age level. Even on boys traveling teams, it seems that girls can make some of the routine plays easier than the boys.
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