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Old Fri Mar 23, 2018, 06:19pm
ilyazhito ilyazhito is offline
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High School Shot Clock Proposal

Rule 1-21 (NFHS, proposed) SHOT CLOCK
Art. 1. A shot clock is one of the two official visible timepieces that displays the amount of time the team in control has to release a try for goal that hits the rim or flange.
Art. 2. Two visible shot clocks shall be required. It is recommended that they be recessed and mounted on the backboard supports behind each backboard, but any configuration in which both shot clocks are visible to both teams, coaches, officials, and spectators is acceptable. An electronic projection of shot-clock software or the output of a mobile shot-clock application meets the requirements for a visible shot clock.
Art.3. An alternate timing device shall be available if a visible shot clock malfunctions.
Art. 4. If a shot clock contains LED lights around it, those lights shall only be activated for a shot clock violation.

Rationale: Explanation of how the shot clock works and how it is to be set up.

The shot clock operator shall:
Art. 1. Use a 30-second shot clock.
Art. 2. Use the shot clock for the entire game, including extra periods, unless less time remains on the game clock than on the shot clock. In that case, the shot clock shall be turned off.
Art. 3. Control a separate timing device (cf. 1-21) with a horn that preferably has a different sound from the game clock horn.
Art. 4. Have an alternate timing device.
Art. 5. Start the clock when:
a. an inbounds player legally touches a throw-in after it has been released
b. a team gains initial control after a jump ball or unsuccessful try for goal
c. there is a change in team control.
Art. 6. Stop and reset to 30 seconds if:
a. team control changes
b. a shot (try or tap for goal) hits the rim or flange AND either team gains control
c.a single personal or technical foul happens
d. a flagrant foul happens
e. an inadvertent whistle sounds without team control.
f. or a violation happens.
EXCEPTION: Out-of-bounds and kicked or fisted balls.
g. an alternating possession situation happens with no team control (e.g. a shot lodges between the rim and backboard).
Art. 7. Stop and reset to 15 seconds if a kicked or fisted ball happens.
Art. 8. Stop the shot clock, but not reset it, for all other situations.
Art. 9. Sound the shot clock horn when the shot clock period expires (The shot clock shows 0 seconds remaining). The shot clock horn does not stop play unless the game officials recognize it.
Art. 10. Turn off the shot clock if there is a reset situation with less time remaining on the game clock than a shot clock period.
Art. 11. Keep the shot clock running if the offense recovers a loose ball or shoots at the wrong basket.
Art. 12. Allow the game officials to make the final decision of whether a player scored before the shot clock expired or whether a shot touched the rim or flange.

Rationale: This is guidance to the shot-clock operator on proper game procedure.

Rule 5-8
Art. 1. Time-out occurs, and the game clock and shot clock, if running shall be stopped when an official signals:
a. A foul.

b. A held ball.

c. A violation.

d. A time-out.

ART. 2

Stops play:

a. Because of an injury as in 3-3-6, 3-3-7.

b. To confer with the scorer or timer.

c. Because of unusual delay in getting a dead ball live.

d. For any other situations or any emergency.

NOTE: When a player is injured as in Art. 2(a), the official may suspend play after the ball is dead or is in control of the injured player’s team or when the opponents complete a play. A play is completed when a team loses control (including throwing for goal) or withholds the ball from play by ceasing to attempt to score or advance the ball to a scoring position. When necessary to protect an injured player, the official may immediately stop play.

ART. 3

Grants a player's/head coach's oral or visual request for a time-out, such request being granted only when:

a. The ball is at the disposal or in control of a player of his/her team.

b. The ball is dead, unless replacement of a disqualified, or injured player(s), or a player directed to leave the game is pending, and a substitute(s) is available and required.

ART. 4

Responds to the scorer's signal to grant a coach's request that a correctable error, as in 2-10, or a timing, scoring or alternating-possession mistake be prevented or rectified. The appeal to the official shall be presented at the scorer's table where a coach of each team may be present.

Rationale: Clarifies that the shot clock shall not run while the game clock is stopped.

Rule 5-9
ART. 1

After time has been out, the clock shall be started when the official signals the clock to start. If the official neglects to signal, the timer is authorized to start the clock as per rule, unless an official specifically signals continued time-out.

ART. 2

If play is started or resumed by a jump ball, the game clock shall be started when the tossed ball is legally touched. The shot clock shall start upon a team gaining initial control following the jump ball.

ART. 3

If a free throw is not successful and the ball is to remain live, the clock shall be started when the ball touches or is touched by a player on the court.The shot clock shall start when a team gains initial control of the ball following the unsuccessful free throw.

ART. 4

If play is resumed by a throw-in, the game and shot clock shall be started when the ball touches, or is legally touched by, a player on the court after it is released by the thrower.

ART. 5. The shot clock shall start when a team gains control of the ball following an unsuccessful try or tap for goal .

ART. 6. The shot clock shall start on a change of team control.

Rationale: Clarifies when the game clock shall start, and when the shot clock shall start.

Rule 9-8

A player shall not be, nor may his/her team be, in continuous control of the ball which is in his/her backcourt for 10 seconds. The 10-second count shall begin when a player legally touches a ball in that team's backcourt, except on a rebound or jump ball. In that case, the 10-second count shall start on player control. The 10-second count shall NOT reset if the shot clock does not reset.

PENALTY: The ball is dead when the violation occurs and is awarded to the opponents for a throw-in from the designated out-of-bounds spot nearest the violation.

Rationale: Clarifies how the addition of a shot clock will modify the administration of the 10-second count. A 30-second shot clock eases the task of officials in administering 10-second violations, by allowing them the freedom to see a wider area of the court while only having to glance at the shot clock. This will improve transition coverage, by not requiring the trail official to focus on the ballhandler and on the 10-second count simultaneously.

Rule 9-9 [NEW] Shot Clock

Art. 1. A shot-clock period is the period of time beginning when the ball is legally touched on a throw-in or when team control is established or re-established after loss of team control and the shot clock is properly started. The shot-clock period ends when the shot clock is properly started for the next shot-clock period.
Art. 2. A shot-clock try for field goal is defined as the ball having left the shooter’s hand(s) before the sounding of the shot-clock horn and then striking the ring or flange, or entering the basket.
Art. 3. The team in control must attempt a try for a field goal within 30 seconds after the shot-clock period begins.
Art. 4. It is a violation when a try for field goal does not leave the shooter’s hand before the expiration of the allotted shot-clock time (as indicated by the
sounding of the shot-clock horn) or when it does leave the shooter’s hand before the expiration of the allotted shot-clock time and the try does not subsequently strike the ring or flange or enter the basket.

Rationale: Risk minimization and improvement in game administration. The number of end-of-game fouls will be reduced, because fouls become disadvantageous as a strategy. This is because possessions are limited in duration, and fouling grants the team that was fouled a new possession. In addition, a 30-second shot clock eases the task of officials in administering 10-second violations, by allowing them the freedom to see a wider area of the court while only having to glance at the shot clock. This will improve transition coverage, by not requiring the trail official to focus on the ballhandler and on the 10-second count simultaneously.

Note: Any new rules are indicated by [NEW] or (proposed). Any changes to existing rules are indicated in bold.

I chose the women's college shot clock, because that would be the simplest kind for high school table personnel to administer (all resets are 30, except for a kicked/fisted ball). I included rationales for all the proposed rules relating to the shot clock, including the biggest rationale section for the shot-clock violation rule itself. Feel free to add to this proposal if you feel that I omitted anything, or did anything incorrectly.

Last edited by ilyazhito; Fri Mar 23, 2018 at 06:21pm.
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