There is a Ball on the team, I think he is a cousin but I'm not sure. I'm glad to see they are doing well without that loudmouth around. They had such a fun team when that guy on the Lakers was a senior.
CA still has some quirks to work out with the divisions but I like it. By quirks I mean there was a lot of head scratching why some teams were moved up two divisions for example when their record didn't indicate it. In previous years, a problem was some smaller private schools in division 5 who were getting to the state championship or making it through pretty far but they weren't that good as they wouldn't finish first or second in their regular league for example. Or maybe they were good but you never knew at what level because they didn't play the top teams. Now they get bumped up to say division 3. It means the best teams are in the open division but also the lower division teams can play up as well which is good. Prior to teams moving up, one of the best teams I saw was a Div IV one that ended up winning their state IV title, but I thought they could have taken on the top teams. Now a team like that would be in the open division and it gives a clearer picture who the best team really is.
Last edited by TopicalTropical; Fri Mar 23, 2018 at 02:29pm.