Thread: Double Duty?
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Old Sat Sep 06, 2003, 12:09pm
Steve M Steve M is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: north central Pa
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Like Mike, I started working baseball games at 14 and did exclusively baseball for the next 8 years. After moving to eastern Pa, I started playing fastpitch and then umpiring it. While I played, I might ump a total of 20-30 games a year and was a player first, then an umpire. At 33, my knees were bad enough that I had to ice each for a couple of hours after every game - it wasn't any fun to play anymore. When I quit playing, I got serious about umpiring and now work around 300 games a year. I got back into calling baseball games because they were having to cancel games due to an umpire shortage. I work some high school ball, Legion, and some wood bat adult ball - for a total of maybe 35 games a year.

As for working baseball - I use the same strikezone as I call in the upper level (men's major) games. It takes the baseball players about an inning to get used to it and then I have no impact on the game. Where I find my baseball is weakest is on the bases - recognizing balks. As far as the rest of it goes, good timing is good timing in both games. Judgement is judgement in both games.

I've let the high school assignors know that I am a softball umpire that also works some baseball games. I've let them know that I am serious about softball and should not be given any critical baseball games. They are greatful for the semi-warm body that that I put onto the field.

As for the differences in baseball & softball rules, Roger Greene has a terrific document showing Fed baseball & softball differences. Roger's kind of a regular here and will most likely gladly send you a copy if you ask him. For the most part, this is no more difficult than tracking the differences amongst ASA, Fed, and NCAA - and I get a copy of John Bennett's book every year - let me know if you want his email address.

Addition - Jeff, I will be down in your area on the 20th, working a couple of Kutztown games, at noon. I think the games are at KU's field, but they might be at Lyon's park.

Steve M

[Edited by Steve M on Sep 6th, 2003 at 12:11 PM]
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