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Old Wed Feb 28, 2018, 01:32pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by wyo96 View Post
Not to be argumentative, but does the casebook give us that authority? I read it that even if it is without a doubt a pass from behind the arc that is deflected by the defense, we must award 3 points. "A1 throws the ball"

I believe your reasoning is a better rule, just not sure that it what it says. Am I missing something?
Yes, it does.

4.41.4 SITUATION B: A1’s three-point try is short and below ring level when it hits the shoulder of: (a) A2; or (b) B1 and rebounds to the backboard and through the basket. RULING: The three-point try ended when it was obviously short and below the ring. However, since a live ball went through the basket, two points are scored in both (a) and (b). (5-1)
While not the same, this case makes it clear that when the ball ceased to have a chance to go in, it no longer is to be counted as 3 points when it is deflected such that it goes in.
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