Originally posted by Warrenkicker
Originally posted by Theisey
States can modify what rule 1-7 says they can do. There are specific rules listed there and PSK is not one of them.
For the NF editiorial committee chair to come out and say to do what your state interpretor says to do really shows they have no control... and that is what is wrong.
Sorry but 1-7 does not cover rules interpretations. 1-7 covers some special equipment questions and game administration questions.
If a state wants to tell it's officials that when there is holding away from the play to not call it just like NCAA or NFL then by all means they have that right. A state can use any set of rules it wishes. NF are just the rules that most everybody uses. There have been other posts here where junior high games are using NCAA rules.
### So show me then were it says that "your/my" state intrepretor can change say rule 10-2-1 to suit themselves? You can't because there is no basis for it in the book.
That comment on page 6 regarding model interpretations says it all.. If you want an interpretation, your state is to contact the NF as they are " the sole and exclusive source of model interpretations of NFHS rules".
The last sentence in that comment box obviously means nothing to some.
I also don't buy your comparision of how to handle a double foul during a PSK situation with a holding call. NF in the years past has published guidlines regarding holding so that we don't call holding on offensive linemen every play.
We all know, the point of attack and limiting the ability to persue the runner are key in the call.
There is nothing to interpret with regard to the double foul nor should any state be changing it to suit them.
Hey, don't get me wrong.. I expected the double foul rule to have been changed to match what they experimented with last season. That would also match the NCAA PSK rule. But the fact is they did not change it despite many saying they did change or are being told to enforce it as if it was changed.
I and others do not like it, but I say too bad for this year. We can put some pressure via the state interpretors to get it fixed next season.