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Old Thu Sep 04, 2003, 07:41pm
JimNayzium JimNayzium is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 66
Coach's take on this again...

1. First of all I love the hail mary scenario...nice work...

2. As a coach I have def tried a free kick after fair catch...and have scored a touchdown in the state championship game on two forward passes....nice reference fact when i found this rule i designed a play just to say i had done it...we called it "the dumb play" in the huddle...not so dumb after it scored...haha...

3. TRUE story here which is funny...Michael Groh the quarterback at UVA a couple of years back is one of my close friends...he kicked a 37 yard field goal to win his state chmpionship his senior made like the 44th game in a row they won...the funny thing is he fair caught the punt with eight seconds left on the twenty and they did not know they coudl free kick...his thirty seven yarder squeeked in the right upright....pretty good a coach could win forty four in a row and not know the rule on this one...

4. Interesting tid bit...I have the state record fg in sc with a 61 yarder but the record books don't differ from a free kick and a fg...which they should...

the high school sixty eight yarder was a free kick....there has been a high school sixty seven yard fg, but i am pretty sure borgogone's sixty eight yearder was a free kick...dont yall think there should be a free kick record and a field goal record???
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