Originally Posted by gogumakilla
I am a female ref and started working BV games. I am fully aware of the looks and side remarks from both officials, coaches, and fans. There's nothing I can do about that except continuing to work hard on my mechanics, positioning, and digging in to the rules/case book. And there's only one person I need to worry about: my assignor.
Wish there was a like button!
My son is a varsity player. In his HS games and HS age club games he has had relatively few women referees over the past few years. Rare enough that I always notice at the start of the game. But if anything they have been on average better than their contemporaries. Perhaps they still have to be to get games. And I frankly think it is good for the boys to have women referees as well as men. (I'm not suggesting that women should jump the line or be promoted before they are ready, but I do think it makes sense to actively look for women candidates to be in the pool so that those women candidates can earn their way up to a varsity schedule that includes boys' games.)