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Old Thu Sep 04, 2003, 04:22pm
Andy Andy is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Glendale, AZ
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Originally posted by whistleone
Where did you begin your officiating career? (youth league, city league, college intramurals, etc).

When I was in eighth grade, my basketball coach asked me to officiate a seventh grade intramural tournament. He was a HS and college official at that time and gave me a crash course. I also did some city and church basketball and softball leagues during college for extra money. I consider my formal entry into the ranks when I signed up to do HS basketball in the late eighties

Originally posted by whistleone
Why did you start officiating? (money, get away from spouse/kids, health, love of the sport, etc).

At first, for the love of the sport and to give back while remaining close to good competition. The money was a small factor, also.

Originally posted by whistleone
Have there been situations that made you think about quitting? If so, what were they?
I basically did quit HS basketball due to the politics. We had a state commissioner that had his favorites and everyone else got the leftovers. That season, I injured my leg and can't handle the pounding on the court anymore, so that decision was cemented. Still active in volleyball and softball, however. The politics don't seem to be as bad in those sports.

It's what you learn after you think you know it all that's important!
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