Originally posted by mo99
This will be my final response on this subject and promise to move on.I umpire three different softball codes,NFHS(50%),NCAA(25%),and ASA(25%)strictly fastpitch games.(I dont umpire the drunken beer bellied slugfests)We have been given a definitive interpretation of what they expect to be called in our PIAA Chapter(NFHS).I was looking for the same from the ASA,which I was attempting to get here on this forum,minus the strong opinions.I take extreme pride in my officiating and am particularly satisfied with my ability to discuss a play with a coach if approached in the proper manner.I just was in search of the proper interpretation so I could convey that to a ASA coach when asked.I know an explanation would be necessary if BR after a BOB was out of the lane and interfered with a thrown ball the fielder was attempting to receive.That is all I was looking for,a definitive interpretation.
NFHS Certified
NCAA Certified
ASA Certified
[Edited by mo99 on Sep 4th, 2003 at 02:43 PM]
I believe that you received a definitive interpretation, but you argued with it.
It is apparent the powers that be for each sanctioning body have their way of looking at things, but not everything can be displayed in print for every possible scenario. That's why ASA has a managerial structure to pass the information along as necessary.
Obviously, not everyone is always going to be happy or satisfied with what is offered here and it is something we'll just have to live with.
BTW, I take exception to you analogy of SP softball.
Good luck,