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Old Thu Sep 04, 2003, 12:29pm
KWH KWH is offline
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Posts: 520
Originally posted by Theisey
States can modify what rule 1-7 says they can do. There are specific rules listed there and PSK is not one of them.

For the NF editiorial committee chair to come out and say to do what your state interpretor says to do really shows they have no control... and that is what is wrong.

The bottom line is simple.
They NFHS has left some gray area's unanswered. They have recognized some of these issue's and will attempt to "fill the gaps" when they meet in January. Until that time, (which includes the entire 2003 season), if rules interpretations are required, you are to issue your questions to your state rules interpreter.
By the way what is New Yorks official interpretation?

Now lets get real,
If teams punt 8 to ten times a game, and
a PSK foul occurs once every 8 to 10 games, then,
how often will a K foul coupled with a R PSK foul occur?
My prediction is once every 80 to 100 games!
A lot of officials out there will not see this happen this season. Others will not see this happen in a career!
However, before you all stone me to death, I agree, Yes, we still need an answer if it were to occur.
To get the correct answer for the 2003 season contact your state rules interpreter.
Does this mean different states will be interpreting this situation differently?
Not really, I would rather look at it this way:
During the 2003 season some states will be working under the old 2002 rules while other states will be experimenting with the (2004?) rules.

My 2 cents

"Knowledge is Good" - Emil Faber
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