I'll throw one more log onto this and then walk away from it. Fed did a very good job in making their interp known for this particular situation. Apparently neither ASA nor NCAA felt the need to clarify it - my guess would be that they thought it self-evident. Anyway, you have been given ASA's position by a state uic, among others. If you want to ask your own state uic about this, let me know and I'll give you Luau's email address - or you could get it from the Pa ASA site. Should you contact Luau, you can also check NCAA's position. In addition to umpiring a few of their games, he is one of a few evaluators for at least one major D1 conference. Since I have spoken with him about this, I do know what his position is - from both an ASA and NCAA standpoint. I have also spoken with three of ASA's regional uic's about this - it was one of the discussion topics at a national school a couple of years ago - right after Fed came out with their interp. Will you find it in writing? Probably not. Should the situation come up and you rule your way, I strongly suspect you'll take a hit on your evavluation for not knowing the interp of the sanctioning body. Your choice, continue to wrongly beat a dead horse, accept the value of what you've been told here several times, or check with your own state uic. When we work under the banner of different sanctioning bodies, we need to make sure we know their rulings along with thei rules.
Steve M