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Old Sat Jan 27, 2018, 09:21am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is online now
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Originally Posted by Hawkeyes View Post
I don't think the two things are the same.
It is possible for the ball to be in the front court, but not in the control of team A.
I'm arguing that the key to the rule is; team control in the front court. None of your scenarios have front court team control, so a back court isn't possible.
You apparently do not understand when TC ends AND /OR I am not doing a good enough job explaining it. So, I'll try again.

Do you agree that A has TC?

Do you agree that A remains in TC until there's a try, a dead ball, or B gains control?

Do you agree that none of those things happened?

So, when the ball reaches the FC, A has TC in the front court -- that's what the rule means. A does NOT need to have PC in the FC.

Here's an interp that might help:

SITUATION 1: A1 is straddling the division line after catching and possessing a pass from A2. A1 then fumbles the ball, so that the ball lands in A’s frontcourt. A1 then regains possession of the ball (still straddling the division line). RULING: A1, with Team A in control, caused the ball to go from backcourt to frontcourt and was the first player to touch the ball again in the backcourt. Therefore, a backcourt violation shall be called. (9-9 Note)

Last edited by bob jenkins; Sat Jan 27, 2018 at 09:26am.
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