Originally posted by cmathews
guys if we go with the thought that he gets protection, then what is to say he shouldn't be protected in the shotgun formation.....ie we should go with what is written, he must be 7 yards to be afforded the protection. If we do otherwise a coach is going to want the protection for the shotgun....I know safety is a concern but really has there been a lot of seriously injured centers from being hit after a long snap??? BTW ramaris, where in wyoming are you...you are the only wyomingite I have seen in here...glad to not be alone anymore LOL 
Why would it not be enforced for a "shotgun" formation? What is the difference between "shotgun" and "scrimmage-kick" formation? As long as there is one player 7+yds behind the neutral zone and in position to receive the long snap. Being in "scrimmage-kick" formation does not assure that A will kick.