Originally Posted by BillyMac
Under what situation may a substitute legally enter the game without sitting a tick?
A player who has been replaced, or directed to leave the game, shall not re-enter (with rare exception) before the next opportunity to substitute after the clock has been started properly following his, or her, replacement. In other words, a player who has been replaced must sit a tick of the clock, however, a player doesn’t have to play a tick of the clock.
Are there a list of exceptions? I had an interesting play where B2 committed a foul and the table informed us that it was his fifth foul and he was replaced. After shooting 1 of 2 free throws the table informed us that it was actually his fourth foul and he was not disqualified, and the coach put him back in. Is there a rule available that lets him enter the game as no time has run off the clock?