REPLY: Steve Hall (some of you know him as SRH) was out at the Federation Interpreters' Meeting in July. He said that the Rules Committee specifically addressed the issues related to NF 10-2-1,2 and PSK. They said that it was a conscious decision not to change these two rules as a result of PSK and to leave it a double foul if R fouls prior to gaining possession. They knew it was different than the NCAA implementation, but they've decided to leave it as is--for the time being.
So Situation 13 on their web site is the correct interpretation--like it or not. I personally don't. And it does not matter whether K's foul occurs before the PSK window opens, while it is open, or even if it occurs after the PSK window closes. It's R's foul, and when it occurs relative to their possession of the kick, that determines whether this is a double foul or whether they have rights to the ball according to 10-2-2.
Bob M.