Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
You can see someone smoking or chewing tobacco.That is clear proof of usage. To smell alcohol on someone is not necessarily proof that they have been drinking.
You're not going to SEE the smoking right on the court, you'd see it as you walked around the gym trying to find the door that's open. That's also when you would SEE the drinking, or the roach clip (wow does that date me or what?!?) or whatever. If you only smelled tobacco, would you report it?
Juulie,you're changing the context of the discussion.We have no jurisdiction off the court,walking around,as to whether we can call a T for tobacco usage. Z was talking about making alcohol a technical foul,the same as tobacco usage is now. We now only have jurisdiction over tobacco usage on the court or the bench, and our jurisdiction only encompasses the teams- no one else in the gym- and it also ends when we leave the court at the end of a game. What I am saying is that the smell of alcohol on a player,coach or member of a team's bench is not
prima facie proof that they have been drinking. We could find ourselves Ting somebody up for using a cough medicine,if we went by smell alone as proof that someone had been drinking.That,I think,is the reason that alcohol has never been included with tobacco usage as a T. Of course,simply smelling tobacco on some one is also never proof that they have been smoking,either. You had better catch them actually smoking or chewing on the bench now before you'd ever think of calling a T.
[Edited by Jurassic Referee on Sep 3rd, 2003 at 06:32 AM]