Originally posted by zebraman
Seems funny to me that the rulebook specifically addresses tobacco as a technical foul rather than being more broad and including drugs and/or alcohol.
You can see someone smoking or chewing tobacco.That is clear proof of usage. To smell alcohol on someone is not necessarily proof that they have been drinking. Medications such as some cough medicines will give you the same type of smell. Suspicion of drug use is usually that,too- just suspicion also and not irrefutable proof. That's why we just report our suspicions to a coach or AD, and let them make the decision. It covers our butts both ways- by alerting the proper authorities to a potential problem,but also not acting hastily without sufficient proof to back up our actions. Of course,if the kid is showing signs of physical impairment,like stumbling around or falling down,then that is enough proof for me.
[Edited by Jurassic Referee on Sep 2nd, 2003 at 01:36 PM]