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Old Sat Dec 30, 2017, 11:03am
The_Rookie The_Rookie is offline
Ok is the new good
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 657
Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
This is the position I hear a lot from officials more than anything. I have given Ts only to have someone suggest, "Could you have not done that" from someone that I might have worked for or some fellow official. Or they tell you how much they get along with that coach that called you everything but a child of God. And the suggestion is somehow it was your fault and not their behavior that caused the T result.

Some officials are classified as being "Safe", they won't make the tough call whether is a foul or a "T".

This season I have implemented a joint captains and coaches meeting in front of the table before the game starts in lieu of the traditional captain's meeting and then meet & greet with coaches. I have to say that I have found that the coaches that I have done it with seem to behavior better. Coincidence maybe

In the joint meeting I say everyone is getting the same message at the same time on how we will conduct the game. Its funny that some coaches feel like they have done something wrong before the game starts
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