Originally Posted by Player989random
Now, while I did give out several T's last year, the question I always get is "Was it deserved?" The amount of times I want to simply shout "You know Coach X is a jerk. If he doesn't get a technical it's a miracle." is impossible to count.
I avoid T's (in HS) just to escape the paperwork, incessant questions, and lectures on game management. At this point, I bang it only if the kid's being a dick, or the coach makes it so public I can't let it go. Of course, that might've been the whole point of my assignor anyway. 
This is the position I hear a lot from officials more than anything. I have given Ts only to have someone suggest, "Could you have not done that" from someone that I might have worked for or some fellow official. Or they tell you how much they get along with that coach that called you everything but a child of God. And the suggestion is somehow it was your fault and not their behavior that caused the T result.