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Old Fri Dec 29, 2017, 02:00pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by LRZ View Post
I don't mean to minimize fashion police rules. What I meant was to compare the importance of TCOB re fashion rules and TCOB re coaches' behavior: if a crew does not enforce the fashion rules, and I have to do so the next game, no big deal, I do so. But crews that don't try to control coaches' misconduct? That's another story, entirely. In my little corner of PA, too many officials fail to TCOB about coaches' conduct--they have no line in the sand at all. Get in, collect the check, get out.
Sounds great, but we are all different. What offends you, might be normal to me. What I can deal with, you might struggle with. If I have learned anything as an official, not everyone can handle the same kind of situations. So we can call Ts all over the place, that is not going to change how those react to them.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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