Originally posted by mo99
Mike, We stand stalemated in disagreement which isnt a bad thing.I enjoy all points of view on this forum and respect the opinions and knowledge of umpires such as yourself.I consider myself "certified" due to the fact that I diligently attend the ASA Clinics here in Pennsylvania each and every year.I also am selected to do District/State playoff games in High School Fast Pitch Softball(PIAA)and umpire the Div III College Playoffs in my area.While I consider myself a knowlegable umpire,I welcome and enjoy the discussions on this forum as I always strive to make myself better.Have a great Labor Day!!!
NCAA Certifed
NFHS Certified
ASA Certified
[Edited by mo99 on Sep 1st, 2003 at 09:18 AM]
Talk with Gerry (isn't he you PIAA chapter interp?) about this one. And have them check with Denny. Denny will tell you that Fed is very happy with their interp that a running lane violation is possible on a walk. He'll also tell you that neither ASA nor NCAA support Fed's interp - for the reasons already stated. Want more from ASA? Check with Luau.
Steve M