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Old Mon Dec 18, 2017, 11:44am
UNIgiantslayers UNIgiantslayers is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 536
Originally Posted by Raymond View Post
Being an a****** won't improve your officiating either.

You been making smart-ass comments the entire thread so don't be surprised when you get blowback

I'll still be working tonigh,t tomorrow, and Wednesday after which I'll be happy to take a nap.

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Telling people that I can agree to disagree and not being butthurt over it (i.e. telling them to have a great week) is called being an adult. I realize it's hard to believe someone would do that anonymously on a message board, but that was my intention. I'm not sure where I was an "a******". Not once did I attempt to be a "smart-ass." I was being civil while disagreeing. You could give it a shot sometime when you disagree with someone, instead of being a bull in a china shop like you always are when people don't bow to your superior opinions.

Now, I'll tell you again and I mean this wholeheartedly. I hope you have a great week and don't let a little spirited disagreement about one play ruin your day.
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