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Old Fri Nov 17, 2017, 06:41pm
CJP CJP is offline
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Originally Posted by BigCat View Post
Again, I understand it completely. You are focusing on the last 6 words and not the beginning. First the ball has FC status while it is in the air flying towards A1. A1 is in the BC. The moment he touches the ball it gains BC status. There is no simultaneous in the rule. The interp says his single touch makes him the last to touch in FC and first to touch in back. That's not supported by rule language.

And again, I believe the last to touch in FC refers to the physical location of the player. An A had to be IN FC and touch ball. Touching a ball that has FC status does not mean the player is in FC. Again, I believe the moment it's touched in BC the ball has BC status. Don't agree that single touch means both
The first sentence in the rule starts out "A player shall not be the first to touch....". It ends with "before it went to the backcourt". So your thoughts about the moment its touched by A1 in the BC it has BC status is false.
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