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Old Sun Aug 31, 2003, 06:26pm
jack015 jack015 is offline
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Posts: 140
Originally posted by Warrenkicker
If the player is wearing no illegal equipment there is nothing we can rule on to say that the player can't play. The coach would be the one who shouldn't allow this player to play but you never know.

I'm not coming up with the actual rule number but it says that if an act is not prohibited by rule then it is legal.

As officials we have no coverage to disallow injured players from playing unless we can say he was unconcience or is still bleeding or still has blood on him.
No way is that player ever going to get to play on that day! When he becomes more seriously injured because you let him play, the first thing any lawyer worth his salt is going to point out is that you knew he had a broken arm, no Dr's note, and you still allowed him to play. If not allowing him to play is in error, then you have erred on the side of safety, which is the correct thing to do!

Whenever you err on the side of safety, even if you are wrong, you are right!
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