Tue Oct 24, 2017, 05:54pm
In Time Out
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 130
Originally Posted by VA Official
NFHS: In the first scenario with just one foul and he was tackled short of the EZ, since the foul occurred before the COP, there will not be an untimed down. If B (Steelers) accepts, the penalty is enforced from the previous spot giving the ball back to A (obviously won't happen). If B declines, the half is over. So, B will decline and go to halftime.
ajmc covered the double foul scenario. B would decline A's foul because accepting it would give A the ball back. A would then have to make a decision on whether to accept B's foul or not, which will depend on if B scored. If B scores, they will accept B's foul enforced from the spot of the foul and have an untimed down. If B does not score, they will decline and go to halftime.
So even though in the double foul scenario B is the team with the ball when they commit their foul, they would still get an untimed down if the penalty is accepted?