After being suitably (although indirectly) chastized for contributing to the morphing of a thread, I've copied this from the "missed something" thread to a new thread.
This comment is on the general situation of a B becoming a BR via BOB
Also, ASA only (or more correctly, no goofy NFHS interps).
Once the umpire calls ball 4, the batter becomes a batter-runner. The only thing special about this particular batter-runner is she has been awarded 1st base without liability to be put out. That doesn't mean she cannot become out. For example, if she walks into the dugout - OUT.
Rule 8-2E (running lane rule) applies to every batter-runner. The BR
can be called out for being out of the running lane and interfering with the fielder taking the throw at 1st base after receiving the BOB.
But the key is "interfering." As with any other interference call, there must be a play to be interfered with. Just being pluncked with the ball while it is allegedly being thrown to first is not necessarily interference - where was the play?
Example (not a BOB, but bear with me): B1 squares to bunt. F5 and F3 charge the bunt. F4 is asleep and doesn't cover 1st. B1 bunts a slow roller down the 1st base line in fair territory. F2 fields it and fires to first. No one covering. Ball hits BR, who is running in fair territory. No play - no interference.
Example (more to the point): B1 gets a BOB. BR takes off at full run to 1st. F2 throws down to F3. Ball hits BR, who is running in fair territory.
IMO, this
could be ruled interference. The play is to hold the BR at 1st (or tag her out if she tries for second) and since the BR is running full speed, F3 doesn't have a lot of time to step clear of the BR (at least that ruling is possible, IMO).
Example: B1 gets a BOB. BR trots slowly to 1st in fair territory. F2 throws to F3 and hits the BR. Not a play. Why? F2 had plenty of time to find a clear throwing lane, and there was no play being made on the BR (at least not yet).
That's my view, anyway.