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Old Tue Oct 17, 2017, 07:17pm
deecee deecee is offline
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Ahh the good ol coaching box issue. At the HS level I don't expect much change. I have always enforced and walked coaches back a couple times and then T'd.

My one JV game a year last year (this is why I hate working these games) had a coach at the table "coaching" his kids. I walk him back. We then have FT's and he's in the same spot. I go over and walk him back and tell him enough is enough. I turn to walk back and tell my partner that he's been warned about the box. My partner says to me, no joke, "What are you going to do he's back out.." Sure enough he is back at midcourt by the table. I T him.

At half time my partner said to me that it's a JV game and I should have let him go. I told him that's an unacceptable approach to the job and he should apply the rules. Especially after I warned the coach and told him I warned him.

Had the same partner who bounced the ball to a kid in a varsity game a couple weeks later for a FT and the kid was 2 feet outside the semi circle behind the FT line. I call a violation and he after the game said that I shouldn't have made that call. I told him he shouldn't have bounced the kid the ball in that position and it was lazy mechanics. I think he rated me poorly on both games (which is another pet peeve - officials rating officials).
in OS I trust

Last edited by deecee; Wed Oct 18, 2017 at 06:23am.
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