Originally Posted by Dakota
The half inning is over; it is middle school ball so low level they don't even have pitchers. Just wander over to the scorekeeper(s) and tell them. No need for signals or anything else.
The scorekeeper was a Grandpa who got recruited at the last minute since the home team had only 1 coach available, an assistant. I don't think he'd ever kept score before. I saw his scorebook between innings, and he'd marked an X on each base the runners reached.
Originally Posted by Mountaincoach
Craziest scenario I've read in a while. They should have paid you double for trying to figure out the chaos. "Third World Sports". LOLOL. It amazes me that a middle school game is using a pitching machine. That's the equivalent of 8 year olds in Little League. Wow.
Yeah, it's bad ball. These are 11-12 year olds. If they were better players, they'd be on club teams right now.
Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve
As soon as the last infielder crosses the foul line headed off the field, I am pointing the run scored.
This makes perfect sense. For some dumb reason, I was thinking we needed to announce the run quickly. Like the old adage goes, it's nothing until we call it and there is no need to rush. The call is the call is the call.