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Old Tue Oct 10, 2017, 10:21am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by parrothead View Post
Had a play this weekend, I actually thought the result should of been worse but umps didnt rule that way and other coaches didnt ask.

Bases loaded, ground ball to 2B or SS, the runner moving from 1B to 2B, did not slide and got in the way, intereference was correctly called, thus batter also called out.

Two runs actually scored on the play because the runner from 2B kept going and scored. They required only the second run to return to 3B, not the first.

My OBR and my HS coaching days might be colliding, but I seemed to be under the impression that when you have Interference - that nobody can advance. So in this instance, my interfering runner is out, the batter is out and the runners should have returned to both 2nd and 3rd.

When I asked the umpire after the inning, and said "Im not complaining, but curious" - they said the run scored because the runner crossed home before the interference occurred, which Im not 100% that was true either, but didnt seem to think that was relevant.
If this was HS, and this was a FPSR violation, then runners return TOP -- you would be right and the umpires would be wrong.

Otherwise, runners return to TOI.
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