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Old Tue Oct 03, 2017, 12:01pm
bucky bucky is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
I used to be a Dominos Pizza delivery guy in college. I would make in tips for a full night from 4-close (2 in the morning), about 25 dollars in tips on a weeknight. I might make around 50 dollars working on a weekend where I would close later. I would not make as much money after taxes as I do working a single middle school game and it is guaranteed, not based on how many tips I might get. And you can write off your expenses like food or gas and you might not have spent a couple of hours based on where the game is located.

So I can work a couple of hours and make well over $50 or work all night and maybe make that. And McDonald's and many other jobs are not going to allow you to work a 40 hour week. Where they take out taxes and other fees because they are required to do that by law and you cannot write off any expenses the same way you can while being self-employed.

I would never say this was the best way to make money overall, but when your time is money and you have hours in the day to do other things (like another job), it is pretty lucrative as a second job. I know people that use the money to go on family trips or to pay kids through college.

Just think about it, if during a 3 month period I make an average of $50 a day for 90 days (including multiple game days), I have made $4500. And that is only at the heart of the basketball season. I can work many more games during the off-season and more games in a day between.

And if you file taxes right, you pay almost nothing because you can claim reasonable expenses for those fees you get.

Good info and makes sense however new officials, mostly, are not officiating enough to average $50/day as you indicated for yourself.
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