Tue Oct 03, 2017, 09:38am
Get away from me, Steve.
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 15,785
Originally Posted by bucky
Bryan did a better job of saying essentially what I meant. A new official doesn't start making $70/game. I also do not believe one, initially, could make more money working at McDonald's, let alone "much more". Clearly McDonald's would provide more hours and thus more money. McDonald's, or similar job, provides room for advancement, resume building, S.S., education reimbursement, food(lol), and other perks that are more worthwhile than officiating. Not say officiating completely does not provide some of those things just not a par with a job. This is the way I might look at it: A teenager asks, "What should I do for income? Get a job, like McDonald's, or officiate basketball?" I know what my answer would be.
This is all presuming that the OP was young. If older and simply needs a "hobby" then my answer might be different.
I might make $70, but then I spend $25 of it on dinner afterwards. I don't know of many officials who run right home after every game and don't spend any of the money they make.