My local IAABO board interpreter came back from the NFHS Interpretation Meeting this past week in Indianapolis with the following information regarding padded protective headbands.
According to the NFHS, padded protective headbands are medical devices that must be approved by state associations on an individual basis, in other words, it's up to each individual state.
About twenty states were represented at the NFHS Interpretation Meeting in Indianapolis. Some states do not allow padded protective headbands under any circumstances. Some states allow padded protective headbands but must have a licensed medical physician's statement before the state association can approve such a medical device.
I'm sure that IAABO will amend their statement that padded protective headbands are "legal". Well, I can only hope.
It appears that under the NFHS guidelines, in those states where padded protective headbands are allowed under medical device restrictions, there may be no color restrictions on such medical devices. At least that's my take on this aspect of the situation.
Since my educational article about equipment restriction rules will go out to thirty-eight different IAABO states, I plan to simply delete any statement regarding padded protective headbands. I hope that the IAABO International Executive Director will agree with my edit.
Originally Posted by Raymond
... don't address the subject at all in your article.