Originally Posted by JRutledge
So it appears that at best they NF has made it clear that these devices for basketball are not likely approved ... not sure why the NF has to give any more information on the matter if they already had a comment about these devices?
Appears? At best? Not likely? That's why I wanted more information from the NFHS on the matter, and it looks (thanks to JRutledge) like I finally got it.
The citation in the Simplified and Illustrated Rulebook (2017-2018) requiring state approval for padded protective headbands is clear, unambiguous, and definitive.
We had to wait until 2017 to get a clear, unambiguous, and definitive interpretation of the unclear, ambiguous, and indefinite 2013 position statement (specifically in regard to basketball), but at least we finally got it. It was worth the wait.
That's all I need. That should be the end of the story. Say good night Gracie.