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Old Mon Sep 11, 2017, 07:26pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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As I said they already ruled on this. Your post proves exactly what I stated. They commented on these devices and told you what about them was legal or not, but every sport has the right to take issue with specifics based on the level of contact.

In the Simplified and Illustrated Rulebook (2017-2018), there is a picture of head coverings (both religious and medical) on page 13 under the Part 2 Section (covers POEs). And the medical example looks more like regular bandages on the head, not a head device that you put on the head like a helmet or protection device that is bulky in any way. So it appears that at best they NF has made it clear that these devices for basketball are not likely approved. But the book does state that you need state approval so I would assume that if a state wanted to approve them you could wear them as I stated earlier on this topic.

There were similar devices outlawed in football because they did not prove to work as advertised and my state did not allow them to be used in games but are used in some situations during practices. That is why my state put out a ruling on the matter I am sure that did not allow these for basketball (they also ruled on them in football as they were also not approved).

Now if your state has not done that, well most of us cannot help you there. But not sure why the NF has to give any more information on the matter if they already had a comment about these devices? I do not see what this guy you reference is going to find out any more than has been published some time ago and in this year's publication.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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