Originally Posted by jmkupka
F2 watches B/R round the bases after an over-the-fence HR, sees her miss the plate, and immediately appeals to the PU.
PU has to wait to see if BR is going realize her mistake (2, 3 steps later) before ruling?
The wording of the rationale actually seems to deny the defense the opportunity to appeal, instead of allowing it.
Couldn't a knowledgable OC use the rule ("sufficient time to advance or return") to have the appeal dissallowed?
The rule in every major ruleset of softball would be refuse to accept that appeal until the runners are given an opportunity to complete all running responsibility. In other words, since she can legally return and touch until she leaves live ball territory, no appeal should be considered until then.
This spells it out further, not really a rule change, after this play was handled incorrectly on a nationally broadcast game.