Originally Posted by chapmaja
Here is a link to another video of the obstruction. There is no way I can justify the call of awarding home plate given that we know the location of the ball, the fielder with the ball, the runner and the obstruction on this play.
I agree this is a much better video that shows what happened.
But after looking at the video, I have some other comments.
In an earlier post someone commented that the plate umpire was his USA assigner. I noticed he had a very poor heel/toe and his GPA was way out of position. So if he is a USA assignor, he is not practicing what he preaches very well. Wonder what Mr. Fick would have to say about the whole situation.
Something else I noticed that the plate umpire did a very good job of keeping his eye on the ball, but IMO once he seen that the ball was loose, and about to be gathered up by the catcher, he should have been stealing a glance towards 3 base to see what was developing as there were other runners on base.
I am sure this won't be popular post, but just my observations.