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  #45 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 28, 2017, 05:06pm
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by bgtg19 View Post
I have two questions about the other game officials: (1) Typically, after a technical foul is called, the calling official will go report the foul and get out of the way so that if a coach (or player) does something that warrants a second technical foul, it is not the same official who is forced to call it. Here, the calling official did that and a different official came over to deal with Ball. The second official seems very patient and is motioning for Ball to head to his bench and have a seat. My question is: given Ball's conduct *after* the first technical was called, do others think Ball deserved a second T? (I recognize that, later in that game, Ball did get a second T - I'm just asking about what is on video in the immediate aftermath of the first call.) (2) I'd like to believe that if I was on the crew with the woman who called the technical, I'd have told the organizers that whether to replace the officiating crew is their call, but they would have to replace the entire crew and not just one official. Do others agree/disagree?
If this is a legit game where I know my decisions will be enforced by game administration I am hitting the coach about 5 seconds after the first tech. Coach CANNOT be on the floor walking around after receiving a technical foul.
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