Decided to post the last few paragraphs of the article for everyone on the forum.
The word is getting out that Lavar is the problem.
"It’s unclear if Ball’s complaints are valid, or if they’re completely unfounded. But his history suggests that most of the fault here lies with him, and not the referee. Plus, even if the game was officiated poorly, it doesn’t at all excuse his behavior.
Last weekend, the Big Ballers forfeited a game they were winning in the second half when LaVar forced his players to pack up their bags in the middle of the game and leave the gym.
On Friday, he halted a game and forced Adidas — a massive company with control of this entire AAU event — to give into his demands and replace a referee in the middle of a game. That’s unheard of it. And it’s ridiculous.
Why any kid would want to play for LaVar’s AAU team is a mystery. It’s clearly not helping their development as basketball players. And they can’t enjoy having their games ruined by a coach who can’t keep his mouth shut. Whether there is any fallout from this mess remains to be seen."