2-2.5 gal cooler, fill with ice, cubes not crush
Add 1-2 ounces of Spirit of Ammonia
Add 1 gallon of water
Umpire should wipe down face, neck and any other exposed skin prior to applying.
If possible, each umpire should have their own towel (hand or dish).
Soak and wring out clean towel and place over head and let towel fall to side and pull over face. Or on back of neck and around to the face.
In spite of the "waterproof" claims of some sunscreens, I would reapply after use of florida water . If possible, try to keep water and towels as clean as possible.
Used this for 20+ years. Used to always carry a 2 oz bottle in my briefcase....until I got stopped at an airport because I had forgotten it was still there