Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve
I would not penalize the batter-runner for protecting herself.
It may be a fine line, but that's strictly a judgment that YOU are authorized to make. Just be sure to use that phrase "in my judgment" when answering the defensive coach looking for the interference call. Be willing to ask your partner if that is requested; but the judgment belongs to the calling umpire (PU before the start of the running lane, BU after the start of the running lane, is the proper mechanic).
In the actual play, as PU, no perceived step back; but it got me thinking about it. Also, in the actual play, I was straight-lined behind BR and F2 (very quick play) and the BU was in the C slot. Thinking he had a more perpendicular angle, I verified the "no step back" with him.
Now that you mentioned it, I assume the running lane guide still applies if the
BU is in the C slot?