Originally Posted by Tru_in_Blu
Defensive coach claimed that the runner was out because she was not allowed to slide head first. And she knew it was true because one of her runners was called out for that same offense in a tournament 2 weeks ago. AND, she knew she had see it in writing.
In all fairness, I've heard umpires cite goofy, yet non-existent, rules regarding sliding. Here are two separate instances from my pre-officiating days
Story #1: In the nightcap of a JV doubleheader, the umpire called a girl out for not sliding into home with a play at the plate

. In the subsequent half-inning, the same play happened, but when the coach asked why
she wasn't called out, he said something to the effect there was no such rule

Story #2: In a different season, the JV team was on defense and retired the batter-runner at first for the third out of the inning. During the time between innings, the umpire tells our coach, "She would have been been out anyways for sliding into first" (the BR had slid into first in her attempt to beat the throw).