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Old Tue Jul 11, 2017, 11:06am
robbie robbie is offline
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Originally Posted by CecilOne View Post
Yes, possibly the easiest questions you have ever posted, maybe.

1) If you judge the sharp right turn was because of F4 AND it kept BR from reaching 1st ASAP, then yes.
Hard to judge that, but 3-4 ft is pretty close.
If ruled OBS, not necessarily an award of 1st, as you then must judge if BR would have made it w/o the OBS.
The bolded part is the key and you must judge "because she sees F4".

2) Yes, as long as the runner actually makes a turn or attempts to. Again, the bolded is the key, but you do need to see a "real deviation".
"F3 is setting up on the corner" is not acceptable anytime the possibility of a turn exists, so I would call OBS.
The base coach would then ask if she gets 2nd, NO.
I'm curious to the meaning of your statement above. Given the OBS ruling, what would be a circumstance where you would not award 1st?
Is it not true that even if you feel BR would not make it safely sans the OBS, he / she cannot be put out between bases where OBS occurred. That would be home and first.
I only do NSA and we would definitely award 1st.
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