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Old Thu Jul 06, 2017, 04:24pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by Freddy View Post
I reserve the right to be wrong on this, but does this new NFHS POE settle this issue for those whose states follow such things? (I don't recall anyone posting this yet and it seemed germane to the point).

Basketball Points of Emphasis - 2017-18
By NFHS on June 02, 2017
1. Equipment worn on head for medical or religious reason. Specific procedures have been established for allowing a head covering to be worn for medical or religious reasons. A player who is required to wear a head covering for medical or religious reasons must provide a physician statement or appropriate documented evidence to the state association for approval. If approved, the state association shall provide written authorization to the school to be made available to officials.
If that is the case you could wear a cast on your head too. Obviously that is not allowed by other rules, so why would this be different if the device or devices like this are spelled out to be legal because it is a medical device. I think states can define what is used for medical (be more strict) as to what is allowed. Again, if the NF wants this to be legal, they can justify it by saying they are legal. But I would think a state could require more information that they are wearing it for medical reasoning. I would think that any state could require documentation where the NF has not jurisdiction over that kind of issue other than what they put in the rules.

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