Originally Posted by Tru_in_Blu
We had a question come up recently from a league we work regarding legally rostered players. The question was if USA Softball expressly states any penalties for the use of non-rostered players.
This league is a local slow pitch church league. They do have a bylaw that players must be at least 16 years of age in order to play.
All teams must submit rosters by a certain date of the men who will play on their teams. The question came up when one team, facing a forfeit for not having enough players, used a non-roster player in the game. If brought to the umpire's attention, does the umpire have any say in this matter or is it left solely to the league administrators (league BOD or officers)? This seems like an issue that an umpire couldn't rule on at a particular game.
I guess it would be similar to the question posed in another thread about the ages of players in a JO tournament. Again, not the umpire's purview.
So is this all to be managed by the individual leagues at the rec level? I think USA has some rules regarding the status of various teams at JO levels and what levels slow pitch teams should be rated. I don't think any of this stuff is in either our rules or mechanics manuals. Where would they be?
As the umpire, if you are the only "authority" on site, you should simply document the protest. Ask for an ID and write down the name & birthdate, or any other info which may be pertinent to the league in the scorebook of the protesting team and move on with the game. When you get home, simply inform your contact with the league that there was an eligibility issue in your game and who has the information and then forget about it. This is assuming you don't receive other direction from the league.
If there is an "officer" of the league there, bring it to their attention and move on with the game once that individual gathers the information necessary.