Fri Jun 16, 2017, 10:52am
NFHS Official
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 1,734
Originally Posted by ChuckS
Two week BV summer league, fairly competitive, since kids view this as the first tryouts for next season. Two-person crew. Team A down by one, 45 seconds to go. I am administering a one and one. A1 misses free throw, but B1 clearly enters the lane too early, and I call the violation. No complaints. A1 then makes both. Now six seconds left, A up by two, at the line, shooting two. I am administering. Coach A sends the other four players into the BC. A1 makes first, misses second, but gets his own rebound and is fouled with five seconds left. Fans, team B, and Coach B all yelling that the shooter entered the lane too soon. Partner comes in to talk with me, asking if I saw the violation. I said no (but thought to myself “why is he asking ME if I saw it?”). As I begin to administer the two bonus free throws, B1 says to me, calmly, not nasty at all “Are you only going to call those violations on us?” I let it go, but driving home, had second thoughts.
I doubt I would have given a T here even in a regular season game.